Is Your Marriage On A Solid Foundation?
There are seasons of every marriage that can be stressful and difficult. To often, people think that there is no way to change the relationship except bringing it to an end. If you find yourself in one of these seasons in your marriage, and you need help getting back to a place of love and respect, we are here to help.
We provide free confidential marriage help, because we believe that divorce or an unhappy marriage will affect your children deeply. The best way to raise successful children is to have a stable home life. We are here to help. Click for help!
Strength in Suffering | Day 4
Day 4 | Strength in Suffering
Psalm 34:17 When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and rescues them from all their troubles.
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Strength In Suffering | Day 3
Day 3 | Strength in Suffering
Psalm 34:10b Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. Do not live lonely; there are people who wants to share the love that they have received from God.
CLICK if you need help with suffering.
Strength in Suffering | Day 2
Day 2 | Strength in Suffering
Psalms 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.
CLICK if you need help with suffering.
Suffering in Strength | Day 1
Day 1 | Strength in Suffering
Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.
CLICK if you need help with suffering.
God Who Sees
Genesis 16:13-14 Then she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, “You are a God who sees”; for she said, “Have I even remained alive here after seeing Him?” 14 Therefore the well was called Beer-lahai-roi; behold, it is between Kadesh and Bered.
Our God knows every situation the believer finds himself. He sees every situation and He knows all about each situation past, present and future. He sees.
Are You On The Right Road?
Are You On The Right Road?
Most of the world are the wrong road that leads to destruction. People around the world are living for their own pleasure and fulfillment. Living this type of life will and has left many in a state of despair. Living solely for the here and now can have massively affects in your life as researchers found.
“Case and Deaton argue that deaths of despair relate to what they call “cumulative deprivation,” or the snowballing effect of economic and social instability. That includes several converging trends, ranging from a flattening “return on experience” for wages, meaning that you don’t get financially rewarded for working more years, to the rise of cohabitation rather than marriage for romantic partners — which leads to less stable relationships in the U.S, but interestingly, not in Europe. The opioid crisis compounds this: reportedly half of unemployed men in the U.S. are on some sort of painkiller. Meanwhile, Oxycontin, America’s most popular painkiller, has done a reported $31 billion in sales since launch.”
The only true hope in this world to cure the despair from economic down turns, lack of meaningful relationships, and drugs to reduce emotional pain is Jesus. Jesus said in John 14:6 Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. He is the way to peace with God and peace within, He is the source of truth about life and all that it entails. Lastly, Jesus is the fountain of real life, not existence. This life that Jesus offers to each is eternal and abundant.
Case and Deaton “How Despair Killed Million Americans”
Challenges of Biblical Love
A challenge to Biblical Love is loving other people while focusing on self. In reality every believer struggles to resist focusing on the themselves. A self-centered person can only meter out drops of love from a dry cistern. When a Christian takes his focus from Jesus who is the perfect fulfillment of 1 Corinthians chapter 13, loving people becomes difficult.
True love comes from a focus on Jesus. When believers focus on Christ, we are able to pour out unselfish amounts of love on the most undeserving person. Each one of us who are declaring to be true disciples of Christ will have to choose unselfish love.